Self Kindness Experiment
I watched a movie last week called “Hungry for Change” – it’s really interesting and has a lot of great information in it if you have time. There was a woman in it named Dr. Christiane Northrup and she said something that really, really got me.
She said (paraphrase), “What if we taped the words – I ACCEPT MYSELF UNCONDITIONALLY RIGHT NOW – to our bathroom mirrors and said it to ourselves twice a day? What would happen?” She said that by saying these simple words to ourselves, they would go straight to our subconscious and slowly, in time, we’d believe it.
Man I believe in the power of the mantra. I believe in the power of talking to yourself in a positive way. I believe on my soul level that if you speak it, it will be.
That means my self-criticisms, judgments, critiques, commentaries, evaluations might stop? The little hairy words that creep around my head on my bad days might stop?
So – it’s on the mirror. My husband and I are doing it…every day. Because seriously? Anything that can help us on an internal basis to ACCEPT OURSELVES UNCONDITIONALLY??? Without thinking stupid crap like:
Well if only I was 10 lbs. lighter
I’m so chubby!
I have no self control…
Look at my face! It has fallen!
Why is there cellulite on my arms?
My ass is the size of Nebraska!
Is that a second chin?
Am I losing more hair?
Is that a hair growing out of my chin??
I am so fat.
If only I could be….
It’s November. And it is the month at Turino Fitness where we are actively talking about Mindful Eating and Self Kindness.
Self. Kindness. So do this one thing. Get a sticky note. Write these words on it (courtesy of Louise Hay)
I ACCEPT MYSELF UNCONDITIONALLY RIGHT NOW. And say it to yourself, in the eye twice a day. Or more if you like.
If you get a chance, take a pic of it and e-mail it to and I'll post it on my Facebook page. Post it EVERYWHERE! Let's be the ripple that causes a wave...
Let’s see what happens!
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Much peace, love and joy.