The Prayer Shawl

At a small rural church in Northwestern Michigan, there are piles of knitted yarn. They're separated into stacks - small, medium, large. When I saw them, I thought maybe blankets?? But wasn't sure.

My dad, the priest, said, "They're prayer shawls. The ladies of the church knit them and give them to people who need comfort and prayer."

People who need comfort and prayer.

It made me think to myself, "Don't we ALL need comfort and prayer?"

Don't we?

Don't we all need to be wrapped in a soft shawl, knitted with loving hands, blessed, then wrapped around our shoulders with love and prayer?


It touched me so deeply - the whole idea of this exchange.

Then, I saw it...on the bottom shelf. A small, grey shawl. I reached out and touched it. It was soft and it soothed me.

I asked the ladies, "Could I make a donation and have a prayer shawl please?" Maybe I don't look like who they imagine would need their shawls, but they generously agreed.

And as I sit in meditation and prayer today, I felt the hands of all who had touched it...and am comforted and blessed.

May we all be comforted and blessed.

So much gratitude to Saint Mary's Episcopal in Cadillac, Michigan.

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xo, Sarah


An Ode to the Judgey


Bringing Yoga into Life