Tell 'Overwhelm' to Get Bent
"Ban OVERWHELMED from your vocabulary. Refuse it entry to your psyche."
This was what I heard in a podcast a couple of years ago by Danielle LaPorte. Then she said,
“I think when people use the word OVERWHELM, they are hanging out in EGO.”
Wait…WHAT?? My jaw hung open a bit. Here’s the deal…I pretty much used to hang out in Overwhelm. There was a Barcolounger with my name on it at the corner of Stress and Busy-ness.
You too?
Ahimsa invites to explore balance. It invites us to see if we can find that beautiful sweet spot where shit happens and you’re like, “Yup…shit happens” versus running around like your hair is on fire yelling,
Ahimsa asks us to invite steadiness and ease not just into our asana practice, but into our life.
Imbalance and Overwhelm set us up for violence – towards ourselves or others. And EVERY DAY life offers up situations to push us off of our center.
The first thing to really get ahold of is that inviting balance isn’t a head thing. You can’t think, plan, organize, file, highlight or collate your way to balance (believe me I’ve tried <cough, cough Virgo>.)
Balance is a gut thing.
It’s the small voice within that if you push a microphone up to it and really listen says things like,
“No thank you! I have too much on my plate.”
“I’m tired.”
“I need some time to myself.”
“Get me out of here.”
And that sweet voice needs to be heard and honored. Because when it’s ignored, it will create the groundwork for disharmony, discord, disconnection, dis-ease…for all of the dis’s.
When you invite balance, you start listening and honoring the needs of your SELF. Then, the elusive Balance will light on your shoulder like a butterfly. And when it comes, your inner voice will sing.
“Balance creates harmony within us, and harmony within naturally expresses itself in external actions that are harmonious,” writes Yamas & Niyamas author Deborah Adele.
Yes. May we all find our center, our breath, our steady, our ease and allow for Ahimsa.
…Come sweet Balance. Light on my shoulder. I’ll create the space and I will honor you. Through balance, let Ahimsa flourish within me and through me…
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Namaste, Sarah