6 Step Relaxation Practice

Relaxation Mindfullnes Wellness Breathe Yoga
  1. Get Comfortable.

  2. Close your eyes.

  3. Relax your muscles from toe to head.

  4. Breathe in and breathe out a word that feels 'right' for you. (ie. Breathe in 'ease' - Breathe out 'flow'.)

  5. 10-20 minutes. Sense and feel your process of relaxation.

  6. No judgement. Let your process occur at it's own pace.

And practice. You'll find the more you do it, the more familiar you get with your process - and it may come quicker and quicker. Check out the quick video I did on this process below.

Hope it goes well! Happy Holidays. May they be peaceful.

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Click HERE and get started.

Peace, Sarah


Gut Health & Stress, Anxiety & Depression Connection

