Gut Health & Stress, Anxiety & Depression Connection
When we are stressed or anxious or depressed, we often turn to 'fun-buttons'. Everybody's fun buttons are different - sugar, overeating, junk food, salty food, baked goods, coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. The irony is that the things we turn to as fun buttons often disrupt the balance in our gut or damage our gut.
Why is this important?
Well...because your gut affects your seratonin levels. I'm going to share this excerpt from Kris Carr's book "Crazy, Sexy Diet." It about blew my damn mind:
S^*&T for Brains Excerpted from “Crazy Sexy Diet” by Kris Carr
Ever heard of the brain-gut connection? Dr. Michael Gershon, a researcher at Columbia University, calls the gut the “second brain.” The gut has its very own nervous system—the small intestine alone has as many neurons as your spinal cord. Neurotransmitters are natural chemicals that that transmit signals from one part of your brain to another. Guess what? They’re also found in your intestines. In fact, a whopping 95 percent of all serotonin, one of the most important neurotransmitters, is made by nerve cells in your gut. And get this – the gut has at least seven different kinds of serotonin receptors. An imbalance in serotonin levels can be an underlying, cause of depression. If one brain is out of balance, it stands to reason that the other one (the one you’re using to read this) might be out of balance, too.
Check out the quick video I did below on gut health the connection it has with your stress, anxiety and depression. And sign up for a 3 Day Wellness Challenge by clicking here.
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Much peace, Sarah