The 3 Breath Practice
Stressed? You are NOT alone.
What does it feel like for you? For me it's a clenched belly, shortened breath and hunched shoulders.
The irony is that this position of stress makes us MORE STRESSED. When our shoulders hunch over, or body folds forward, our stomachs lock down...all of this makes it impossible to diaphragmatically breathe. Short and shallow chest breaths amp up our sympathetic nervous system - FIGHT! FLIGHT!
This is delightfully compounded by western culture's obsession with sucking our guts in. Lovely. Let's create ARMOR around our midsection allowing for an inability to breathe fully and create MORE stress.
Diaphragmatic breath is THE KEY to calming your neurological system and inviting some ease. Diaphragmatic breath invites your parasympathetic system of rest and digest to come online. Yessss.
The 3 Breath Practice below - Invite some calm throughout your day by taking 3 diaphragmatic breaths. Weave them together like a string of pearls inviting a calming of your stressed system.
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xo, Sarah