Stories, ideas, support, and other information
Gut Health & Stress, Anxiety & Depression Connection
Your gut health is tied to your stress, anxiety and depression. And your stress, anxiety and depression is tied to your gut health.
Start with LOVE
There is so much happening around us – locally in the Twin Cities, nationally, internationally. It’s enough to make you want to bow your head with the weight of it. It’s hard not to feel helpless, hopeless, afraid. I don’t know much, but I know this:
Issues in your Tissues
Do you think we hold things in our bodies? Physical trauma sure. What about emotional trauma? Do you think we kind of stick stuff away in little boxes? In our minds, certainly. But what about in our bodies? Do you think we can have issues in our tissues?
Loud & Crowded
Most people who know me well know that I don’t like crowds. I’m not sure exactly when it started, but somewhere along the way the noise and the number of people around me really started to affect me. I started avoiding places that were Loud and Crowded.
I Come Alive When _______________.
Buddhists have a term for a particular kind of enthusiasm that happens with new ideas and events. It’s called Bright Faith. Bright Faith! When everything is all aligned and you are standing in the middle of it!!
February is Self Love Month (aka Be Your Own Valentine)
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about being a new mom and trying to figure out how to carve some space out for exercise. (See "You're Worth It" here.) It reminded me of a time that carving out ANY TIME for self-care seemed impossible.
Breathwork - Tip #2
Belly Breaths. Not only do you get the benefits of the breath, but you get to pay some sweet love to your Manipura or your solar plexus chakra. Strength. Understanding, Warrior energy. Yes.
Breathwork - Tip #1
Ready for a 3 Day Wellness Challenge that supports your body, mind, and spirit?