Stories, ideas, support, and other information
When I was 9, my dad took me on a GRAND adventure…we left our South Dakota home to fly to Bombay, India. From Bombay, we rode an open-air bus 50 miles to Ganeshpuri, India. We arrived at an ashram where people from all over the world came together in a communal living facility to study meditation, chanting, service and study.
Being Fearless…or being fearful but saying f(*&k it and doing it anyway…
What scares you? I used to be AFRAID OF EVERYTHING. The unfamiliar made me want to just hide away. As I look back, I realize I’ve spent the 2nd half of my life dancing with fear. Trying to get familiar with it and then tell it to “Piss off.”
Breathwork - Tip #2
Belly Breaths. Not only do you get the benefits of the breath, but you get to pay some sweet love to your Manipura or your solar plexus chakra. Strength. Understanding, Warrior energy. Yes.